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Our goal is to be a leading source for betting bonus and to become the natural choice for players searching for new promotions and deals. We will do our best to feature only the top rated and best reviewed online casinos on the net and we always make sure to present you to the best deals available. Also remember to make sure to join our Exclusive Mailing List.

No matter in which part of the world you live in, we have the casino bonus offers ready for you.

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October 14 2012 7 14 /10 /October /2012 09:44

Free Bonus at Casino BelliniChic, stylish and a whole lot of fun, Casino Bellini is a leading online casino well-worth a visit.

Whether it’s game variety you’re after (Casino Bellini has over 300 games available including Live Games), casino bonuses, or the chance to win big, Casino Bellini has it all and then some, all nicely packaged in a classy online gaming atmosphere reminiscent of the finest land-based casinos.

In true, high-class style, the Casino bonus rewards start right from the beginning at Casino Bellini. As soon as you sign up and make a deposit, you will receive a fabulous Welcome Bonus. Deposit €97 and you’ll receive €103 free. That means your €97 deposit will instantly become €200.

High rollers get an extra special reward. If you’re a high roller and want to live it up Casino Bellini style, simply make a first deposit of €3,000 and be rewarded with a €1,000 bonus.

What’s more, all players are guaranteed a 100% bonus on their first deposit of each month. That means every month is cause for celebration when you play at Casino Bellini.

If you like a touch of luxury in your online gaming, Casino Bellini is sure to deliver just that!

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